Sunset over Pt. Judith Harbor of Refuge. A couple of sailboats anchored near the west breakwater.
We had a peaceful night at Point Judith, after a nice steak dinner on the aft deck. At some point we got sideways to the swell and we rolled gently all night; it was not uncomfortable, but we needed to be careful walking around. The surf on the breakwater made for a good background soundtrack.
Yesterday's cruise was textbook perfect (and today's has also been thus far). Crossing Block Island Sound we again had three-foot rollers, but they were smooth, long-period, and on the beam where the stabilizers just took care of them. Crossing through The Race with a three knots off our port quarter made for a little bounce for fifteen minutes or so, and I had to take over from Otto and go a bit more with the flow than across it for best effect.

Point Judith Lighthouse on our way in. If you zoom in you can see surfers in the water at far left.
Trumans Beach is mostly gravel, but that did not stop a couple dozen people from enjoying it. A number of sunworshipers were out along with a few kayakers, and there were even swimmers in the 75° water. A few small boats were anchored on the opposite end of the bay from the public beach, enjoying a day trip. By nightfall we had the whole bay to ourselves.
We made a concerted push to be here in the lee of Long Island before any churn arrived in the North Atlantic from Florence. Now that we're here, the Sound is glass calm. Today's cruise is several hours on a straight line, and Louise has been below decks sewing for most of it thus far, a testament to how flat it is.

Calm as a bathtub. Our wake is the biggest wave out here.
Tonight we will be in the harbor at Port Jefferson. We've dropped the hook outside the harbor several times without venturing in, always on our way to somewhere else, and this time we thought we'd make it a stop. Now that Labor Day has passed, we ought to be able to find a spot to anchor not too far from town; in season it is chock-full of boats on moorings.
Tomorrow we'll continue west to Port Washington, where we will regroup and figure out what our weather-driven schedule will be for making our way south past New Jersey. We desperately need our hull cleaned, and I am hoping we can stay an extra night there and get a diver to do the deed.

Ned Point Lighthouse in Mattapoisett, MA. It uploaded after I finished my last post.
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