The worst of the storm is yet to come, but we will likely remain under way throughout. We certainly don't want to dock in these conditions, and we're better served in open water with maneuvering room than in the fairly tight anchorages along this stretch. The worst will have passed by the time we stop for the day. This will be our fourth or fifth named storm on the boat; we are keeping careful track of it but are not at all worried.

We passed this former ship's lifeboat at a dock on the ICW Monday. Not my idea of a fun cruiser.
Yesterday morning we left Awendaw creek early, just as the tide hit two feet and rising. That gave us enough water under the keel for a full day to Winyah Bay, where the incoming tide helped us up the Waccamaw all the way to a lovely anchorage in Thoroughfare Creek (map). We had the hook down early afternoon as the tide changed. Other than a pack of four rental patio boats jammed with revelers that looked for all the world like spring breakers, who whizzed by us in both directions, we had a quiet afternoon. There was no traffic after dark, and it was dark and quiet, surrounded by the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge.
This morning we did not really have the option of waiting for the incoming tide. For one thing, there's enough rainwater coming down the rivers that the current shift would be delayed. More importantly, having more daylight hours ahead of us gives us more options for places to stop. At least the rain is keeping the go-fast crowd off the water, and we have the river mostly to ourselves, with just some other cruising boats making their way north.
Internet coverage can be spotty here, but I will try to post an update on Vector's twitter account when we are anchored.
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