Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Miscellany: Routine Edition

Monday is the day for miscellaneous topics

From the archives, a few posts about routines:

Over three years ago, I wrote about a typical day for us. A few things have changed since then, but not much. Opal can't jump up on the bed anymore, sad to say. About a year ago, she tried and failed several times in a row. She won't even try now, poor old thing. We usually shower in the evenings now, to take advantage of water warmed by waste heat from the engine. And our driving days have shortened. We still usually move the bus almost daily, but lately the distance traveled has been about half what it was in the first couple of years.

The way we prepare the bus for daily travel also hasn't changed much. Lately we've been letting the dog ride downstairs with us instead of locked in her carrier upstairs. She lays down at my feet and seems to be calmer this way. As an added bonus, she will occasionally climb several steps up the staircase and then walk directly across onto my lap. She's not much of a leaper anymore and never was a lap dog. She'll stay on my lap for about 10 minutes before we're both tired of it and then return to the floor where it is safer for both of us in case of an accident.

Having routines makes it simpler to get things done and also leads to brilliant ideas like "Put It Where You Use It." It never ceases to amaze me how just rearranging a few things in a cabinet can make so much more sense. You'd think after almost four years living aboard Odyssey that everything would be efficiently arranged for optimal convenience, but I'm still moving stuff around.

Next week: Exactly what optimally-efficient spot did I choose for the pot holders? I haven't seen them in months...

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